Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rain on my window

I woke up to the sound of water. It was raining. At first I thought it was the terrace water tank overflowing again. My landlady has this habit of putting on the water pump at oddest hours, sometimes in the middle of night and suddenly you are jolted awake to the sound of falling water. I yawned and looked at the watch 11:45 pm. Well, not that late. The sound was much softer than gushing water and pulling the curtain, sitting on the elevated verandah next to my bed, I saw minute droplets of water spraying on the glass window…

I love rains. They make me nostalgic, happy, pensive and romantic in equal measures. My earliest memory of rains is jumping deliberately into water puddles in an oversized raincoat (to save my school bag as well from getting wet) and splashing the brown muddy water all over the white uniform. I used to love the fact that we were allowed to remove our wet and queasy shoes and socks at school on rainy days. The rough school floor always had a strange comfortable feel to it. The phone beeped, breaking my thoughts.

X had messaged asking if I was sleeping…

I am a one man woman, I can’t even think of breaking someone’s trust”, I retorted to D. We were lying on the bed, too full after lunch at my place. The stillness gave some time for the food to settle into the inter-molecular spaces and allowed us to move again. “Hmmm… it is hard to remain in one state, be it for a human, or a feeling. You never know…
That was four years back.

Now I surprise myself into wondering how can one person love two people at the same time? And if it’s wrong why doesn’t it feel wrong to be with X, why does his touch feels so good, or why when he kisses me, my knees give a funny feeling? I feel the same way about Y. Sometimes I wonder is this what it feels like…bittersweet… when you have tiny cracks in your glass wall.

No, I am awake. Looking at the rain.”
I miss you
Me too
I wish I could kiss you X, feel your lips over mine, feel your skin, the way you smell immediately after you shave, the mixture of aftershave and soap, I wish I could hold you tight. I also wish I could go back in time and have my perfect glass wall again.

I sighed and went back to bed… Y was snoring softly. I spooned into him and snuggled into a deep comforting sleep.


man in painting said...

it is a strange but happy coincidence that we both wrote about rain..almost at the same time..definitely in our own ways..well..
about the relationship part...:)it was written very very well...because it is the tuna your nature..but as you know my nature is that of a painting...
i am happy you are back
stay atleast till the next rain..LOL

tunafish said...

yes... such a happy coincidence... lot of developments on "correspondence", thinkign of doign "correspondence 2";) enough material in my hands.

Couldn't pots a comment on it, but really loved your man in the painting is not seeing the world. You are MIP, you are.

Anonymous said...

how can one person love two people at the same time?

It's a very deep question and some years back, I would have said-No way , u can only be in love with 1 person at a time. But now I dont see everything as black and white so it is possible ;)

blogger said...

hi tuna . your posts are awesome :)

tunafish said...

Dear B,

yes... life is funny... when seen upside down:)


Thanks so much you liked them. I think your blog is really useful... clears a lot of conceots for techincally dyslexic peopel like me ;)