- Our neglect of responsible citizen duty
- Sadness on such a beautiful Taj Colaba building destroyed (where I attended umpteen conferences, wonder what happened to Crystal hall and ball room? Will they look the same again?)
- Fear of stepping inside Oberoi again, where 90% of my client meetings take place
- Frustration on the government laid back attitude and lastly
- Anger. Anger on why? Why this senseless massacre?
But then, I thought, what the use of writing this is? Unless, I actually get up and do something to resolve any of these points, am I not being one of those million people in India, who are going to dissect it to death, then just shrug and say it is hopeless and carry on with their hum drum lives? Anyways, instead I decided to talk about something more cheerful. Something like my cat.

He is allowed to sit on the dinning table (something I was never allowed to, for the sheer fear that it may break into two) at gran ma’s place. He came home one Sunday afternoon, when after lunch I was too full and lazy to actually get up from my chair to shoo him away. Y took pity on him and gave him milk to drink which he greedily gulped away and started meowing for more. Maybe it was written on Y’s face that he is sucker for all things feline and more charity ensued. What followed (and which is now a set pattern) was Freddie comes everyday, he sometimes even sleeps in. Everyone at home has mellowed to him- including me…
All events of our life have a trickle down effect. We may not realize it that time but it is true nonetheless. With Freddie, it has been the same. I buy more milk. I eat more vegetarian – not because I really want to, but because whenever there is a non vegetarian dish being made, I invariably end up giving half of what I eat to Freddie. I may cook vegetarian food, for him its fish/prawns/meat everyday. He even has a thing for butterscotch ice-cream! (Branded cat I say) I don’t go out so much cause I worry he will stay hungry. I am sure if not anyone else then Menaka Gandhi will be proud me. My friends think he is extremely cute (I think Freddie thinks he is good looking too, going by his airs). S and P went gaga over his picture and B wanted to know if I am getting him back to Mumbai. Y gave him the ultimate honour last month. Freddie became ‘Freddie Chutiya’.
I don’t know whether it is a common Indian male or rather any male phenomenon (didn’t find any research on it) that the more they like something or someone, the more they use profanity for it. Like when I saw my best two buddies meet after six years first thing they said was “salee MC/BC (I hope you know the full form) kahan the itne saal kami**” I had a hard time keeping my face from turning beet red. This was a few years back. Now (thanks mostly to taxi drivers in India), I don’t even bat an eyelid. So I think Freddie has made quite an inroad to Y’s heart and the name has caught on... even Freddie responds when we call him Freddie Chutia!
Thinking on these lines I think I can safely put it in my Christmas wish-list that I definitely don’t mind being a cat in my next life!
Yes..That is our answer to those clowns..so called "terrorists"..i loved your article..when we see destruction and death ,look for life and talk about life more..where else you can find more life than in the eyes of those innocent beautiful creatures..far more intelligent enough to live life as it is..
you can see beauty..
and that is a secret gift..
living naturally is becoming a dying art..
Nice knowing the way you appreciate life..
take care
come, do read my gossip..
Thanks MIP,
If you were my boyfriend, I would have defintiely kissed you for such a nice compliment (a pushover for flattery, ain't I?) but then knowihg my track record... I am glad you are not ;)
Going to gossip now...
Your writeup reminded me of Munni, a cat we had at home during my school days. These innocent creatures are so loving. Keep a pet at home and you will never feel lonely.
Nice post. I also liked MIP's observation about living naturally.
Thanks Old Monk...
Your name reminds me of the rum one of our friend used to smuggle from his canteen (he had pataoed the military canteen cook. He always claimed that old monk is the best rum available, especially from military canteen). I had my first taste of rum and coke thanks to him :)
Yes pets do make life so comforting... byh the way freddie is pon his way to becoming a fat and lazy cat thanks to winters
Nice read... light and funny... something that we needed after all those "I am Angry" articles.
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